Acknowledging What Is
Acknowledging What Is is the first step in every Constellation. It invites us to take into account all that has happened. By doing so, we can objectively observe what has occurred in our own life and in the generations of ancestors who have preceded us, as well as the effects. We can perceive more clearly the continuation of life as it has flowed from generation to generation. We can witness experiences of all kinds without blame, judgement, or a posture of victimhood. No matter how difficult the circumstance, it is essential to look at and face the truth of any situation, event, or relationship we have experienced or perhaps inherited. This act of acknowledgement will always help to heal and integrate us – and our families. Acknowledging What Is also enables us to make different choices.
Direct Experience of Acknowledging your Family of Origin
Gather a few objects to represent people in your family of origin or current relationships. Place an object for your father in front of you. Look at this object that represents your father and allow whatever feelings, thoughts and memories to arise for a few minutes. Hold the image of your father in your mind’s eye then say, “I acknowledge you as my father.” Repeat, “I acknowledge you as my father: two more times slowly with a little space between the statements. The first time comes from the mental level, the second time you should feel it in your heart area, the emotional level of consciousness and the third will take you a little closer into soul awareness of your father.
Repeat this Direct Experience with your mother and anyone else that you are drawn to.