Moral Judgement
In the Constellation Approach, as in most Family Constellation practices, there is a principle of suspending moral judgment. To suspend judgment is to pause, postpone, or interrupt our usual way of perceiving a situation. To be moral is to have principles, values, to be good or honorable in our society and culture’s terms.
Yet with this deterrent of deciding whether someone or something is good or bad, right or wrong, we are limited in how far we can travel into the realms of consciousness and the Soul. Judgments act as a barrier to greater fields of our perception of reality, for reality has neither beginning nor end. There are only larger and larger fields of awareness of degrees of reality.
Each of us has had an experience of what may have seemed a failure or been hurt or wronged at a particular past moment in time. Then, at a future moment later in our lives, this ‘error’ turns out to have become a blessing. Through the process of the Constellation Approach and the suspension of moral judgment, we cultivate the ability to recognize the blessings that have emerged in our lives from those events which were very hurtful or perhaps even traumatic.
As human beings, we learn from the paradoxical perspective of mistakes. These mistakes take form from the minuscule to the grand scale and create war, slavery, genocide and pandemic diseases. We learn our lessons though our actions. Our actions are guided by our conscience that at its very root is directed by the ‘threads of consciousness’ that originated long before we were born.
A Practice:
Find a comfortable place to sit quietly. Begin to breathe softly yet deeply. Roll back in time to remember a situation, event or relationship that caused you the pain of emotional suffering. Follow the threads of the event until you recognize that is occurrence turned out to be a blessing. Take your time, and as you do so, notice the shifts in your breath, your body sensations and your inner attitude toward this set of circumstances. Let yourself embrace the perspective of seeing and feeling the situation as a gift, a blessing to you, and toward your life. Aloud or silently, with gratitude and appreciation say, “Thank You” [“Merci,” “Gracias,” “Danke,” “Toda,” “Grazie,” “Spasiba”] to the greater Soul that guides you.