Our Approach

Supporting world peace, one family at a time…

Life is not easy, and we do not have an easy solution or promise for instant awakening. What we do offer is a powerful and proven way that has brought acceptance, compassion, and peace to people just like you, people with family. We embark on the the path to peace through the perspective of working with the feminine and masculine energies that are present in your Family Lineage – a lineage that stems back generations upon generations.

Through this Approach, you can begin to realize your place in the vast tapestry of your ancestral lineage.

The experiential and energy-based process is offered in a gentle, safe, and supportive environment. We gradually guide you to the level of Soul awareness and back so you may receive the most from your experience.

How our approach works

An empowering experience of awakening
to a greater perspective of your life.


Faust Family Constellations have helped people from all walks of life find unprecedented peace through a broader viewpoint and a shift in consciousness.

Read 4 stories from Constellation Journeyers by placing cursor over photo.

Returning Home to my Family of Origin
Returning Home to my Family of Origin
I left home when I was sixteen, escaping mental illness and physical abuse. The only person in my family I had ever felt much of a loving connection to had been my deceased grandmother, Mary. ...
Finding Acceptance in Relationship
Finding Acceptance in Relationship
Despite how much I respected my husband Chuck, I also was judging him for everything, from his choice in socks to the way he was making decisions in our business. ...
Becoming a Sister
Becoming a Sister
When I was eighteen months old, my five-week-old brother, Jeff, died of SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. His death left me with a fear that I would lose anyone I love and grew close to. ...
Richard had never really known his father, who had abandoned his family when Richard was a baby.

I left home when I was sixteen, escaping mental illness and physical abuse. The only person in my family I had ever felt much of a loving connection to had been my deceased grandmother, Mary. After years of psychotherapy, thinking I had worked through my issues, I was surprised at the sheer terror I felt at the thought of facing my family in a Constellation. The compassion and support of the Facilitators and the group made it safe enough to try a Family Constellation. We were all there together to face the difficult.

This proved to be a life-changing experience for me. I realized I had been running from my family for the past forty-three years, and now I could stop. My fear was replaced with a sense of peace and belonging. I felt I was back home.

When I returned home, there was a package waiting for me from my sister. It was an enamel butterfly box. I began to cry because butterflies were a favorite of my grandmother Mary’s. I deeply felt her presence in my life again as if she had watched over my Constellation and was now affirming the reconnection.

Despite how much I respected my husband, I also was judging him for everything, from his choice in socks to the way he was making decisions in our business. I knew I needed to try something different to break the pattern of judgment I felt toward him.

In my Constellation, I became connected to the judgment my parents had towards each other in their twenty-two years of marriage and in the twenty-five years since they divorced. I felt the pain of disapproval in their marriage and how I had carried that into our relationship.

I could sense the Soul Agreements I had with my parents and slowly turned to face the Representative for my husband. I said, “I have judged you. I want to find a new way of being with you now.” I bowed to him, touching my forehead to his.

I no longer feel a burning desire to tell him what he should wear or the constant need to second-guess his business decisions. In accepting my judgments they have softened and some have even faded. This has allowed me to see my husband more clearly and to connect with him more deeply.
– Kelly

When I was eighteen months old, my five-week-old brother, Jeff, died of SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. His death left me with a fear that I would lose anyone I love and grew close to. This fear ran my relationship with my brother Kevin, born two years after Jeff’s death.

Even though I often felt like a “mother” to Kevin, he and I often could not be in the same room with each other for more than five minutes without arguing about something. In trying to curb my fear of losing him, I ended up distancing myself from him. That is, until I did my Constellation about our relationship.

Seeing my Constellation set up was heartbreaking. The feeling of loss was palpable, especially when I looked at the representative of Jeff.

As the Representatives for my family began to stand, I became aware of how deeply I loved them. I felt my loss even more. I knew I had to acknowledge my deep feeling of loss for Jeff. Until I could do this, I would be afraid of fully loving Kevin and taking him in. Then, I realized I do have a brother who is very much present in my life. Standing before the Representative of Kevin, I began to sob. As we held each other, I surrendered and felt genuine love for him. This ‘sibling love’ was nothing like I had ever felt before. It was the depth of our Souls connecting.

This was the turning point of our relationship. For the first time there was no fear, no pressure, and no more feeling alone. I had my brothers with me.
– Michaelene

The person who was the Representative for my father and I began, standing maybe twelve to fifteen feet apart, just looking at each other. Not saying anything, the Representative for my father looked into my eyes with such love, the ice that had enveloped my heart for so many years started to melt, and my tears began to flow. I slowly stepped toward my ‘father,’ and the closer I got the more the emotions I had never allowed myself to feel started coming up. I said, ‘You are my father, and I am your son.’ My ‘father’ simply held me, ‘I love you, Daddy,’ was all I could say. The years, decades, really, of denial, sadness, and self-hatred drained away. It was the first time in seventy-one years that I allowed myself to feel love for my father.
– Richard



​To fully acknowledge your family, current life situation or past event ​is the first phase of a Constellation.
It is an invitation to observe objectively what has happened in your lineage and in your life without rejection, blame, or judgment. To acknowledge is associated with the mental level of consciousness.


To accept your situation as it is begins the second phase of a Constellation.
Admittedly more challenging, this phase guides in digesting both the difficult as well as pleasant facets of relationships with your family or a specific family member. To accept is associated with the emotional level of consciousness.


To agree to what has transpired in your ​​life or ​family lineage is all inclusive.
It leaves nothing out. It​​ ​is the third and ultimate phase of a Constellation. At this phase, you move to the deepest level of consciousness, your Soul. To agree ripples through all levels of your being and to the​ ​very​​ ​essence of your core. Peace arises.

We begin from the premise that we are all spiritual beings having a human experience and have chosen to incarnate into our particular Soul family. There is a Veil of Forgetting that prevents us from fully understanding who we are in relation to this multi-generational lineage. We each play a very important role in the healing and evolution of our family consciousness but cannot comprehend it unless we move past the personality and our ideas of right and wrong. Through The Constellation Approach, you can discover how and why you belong to the vast tapestry of your ancestral lineage.

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It can be found through your family lineage.


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