Suspending Moral Judgement

 In Bert Hellinger’s Core Teachings, Family Constellation Fundamentals, Teachings from the ‘Field’, Universal Themes

In these times of stark opposing views and opinions of what is right and wrong, truthful or lying, it is difficult to not take sides. When we tell our stories, it is equally as difficult to not represent our view or opinion of the situation objectively without preference to good or bad, right or wrong. It is our human nature to present the other side in a slightly less favorable fashion or present ourselves as the victim of circumstances to elicit sympathy.  
From the philosophical view of Family Constellations, it is imperative that we suspend any moral judgement when facilitating, being a representative or observing a constellation. Judgements limit how far we can explore the realms of consciousness and the Soul, because they act as a barrier to a greater perception of reality. Suspending moral judgement opens us to higher levels of awareness and understanding. Looking with an open heart and mind allows us to gather strength and have a more expanded view of our Family Lineage. This strength then feeds our Soul’s development and nourishes our knowledge of life beyond our personal story.
Take a piece of paper and pen, pencil or colored markers and sit quietly for a few minutes. Begin to connect to your Family Lineage, thinking of your mother and father, grandparents, and great grandparents. Consider their path of migration and immigration; remember your ancestors’ countries of origin. Without overthinking, begin to draw a tree, complete with the roots of your ancestors. Allow yourself to create this living tree, without leaves, however it takes form on the paper. Let it be an intuitive process of drawing. When you are complete, sit back, relax and take in your Family Tree. Suspend any judgement of your “art.” Practice connecting to your Family Tree through quiet breathing, using a soft gaze and listening with an open heart to what your ancestral roots wish to tell you about yourself and your Family Lineage.

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