The Doorway of Existence
There is a great doorway consisting of two halves that leads to our vast unconscious knowledge. This door is the entryway that offers us the possibility of achieving ever-lasting peace within ourselves.
The two halves of the doorway of existence are our biological mother and father — nothing more and nothing less. This is a pure irrefutable, biological fact for each living human being. Who we are begins with them. Everything else follows and meets us on the other side of our own distinctive and exceptional entrance to life. Stand before this doorway, and a world of memories and feelings emerges from your unconscious. These memories and feelings are the pathway toward a greater understanding of ourselves and the reasons for our incarnation in this lifetime.
Each of us is a mere extension of the two halves of our mother’s and father’s bloodlines. Follow these bloodlines, like a trail which leads into the past, and we discover why we have made certain choices. The seeds of our choices lie in the unconscious, which lives in the roots of our family lineage.
Our unconscious is a vast sea of information and can be tapped by entering through the doorway of our existence. On the other side of this doorway lies a body of energy consisting of all that has ever occurred in our mother’s and father’s lineages. This energy field is like an infinite body of water that we enter slowly, delve as deeply as we dare, and gather understanding and strength to move forward in a more peaceful way on life’s journey.
We are the ones who have the opportunity to achieve peace and happiness for ourselves, our families, our ancestors and those who will follow in our footsteps.
Each of our small and individual world’s outer conflicts begin with inner conflicts that are unresolved within us. The pitched battles with our bodies, the sniper attacks on the opposing gender, the running feuds with our siblings, the back and forth of gathering and losing resources — all have their reasons that began long before we crossed the threshold of the doorway of existence.
We either pass on the unresolved conflicts, or we pass on a contribution to peace.