The Mind of a Constellation

 In Family Constellation Fundamentals

A Constellation is a physical energetic representation of the client’s inner thoughts. We use the constellation to show in a holographic way what is held in the mind. Both the conscious and the unconscious arise in a constellation. The conscious takes the form of the story and the representatives. The unconscious comes to light as the constellation unfolds. The movements of the representatives help to uncover the unconscious feelings and ideas that the client was unaware of prior to beginning the process.

The progression of a constellation is like traveling deep into the center of the mind where memory is held. It is going into the past where love has stopped and where the traumatic event is rooted in the unconscious. We use the word ‘love’ as a meaning for life energy in its purest form before it was disrupted. We go into the memory of the mind and out-picture the people and the event involved where healing needs to occur. This is a type of ‘time travel’ into the memory field of the mind.

Think of a person in your life where there has been a disruption in the love you feel between you. If there was an event associated with that disruption, think over that period. Were there other people involved in your lives at that time associated with the disruption? You now have the conscious part of the process, the people and the event. Take figurines to represent you, the other people, and one for the event, place them in the way that comes to you naturally. Observe them, notice what comes to you, and then slowly rearrange them. Do this several times, each time pausing to see, and feel what arises from deep inside your own mind.

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